Membership – Expectations Membership Expectations Name First Last Membership ExpectationsGod has committed Himself through Jesus Christ to support me with his presence, power, promise of eternal life and ministry of his church through which he gives his support to us. In response to his grace:Today I commit myself to regular worship in God’s church. I commit myself to pray about making a financial pledge to the work of Christ in and through St. Martin’s (in the amount that I believe expresses my gratitude to God for his blessings). Within the next 6-12 months I commit myself to involvement in at least one additional ministry offering, i.e. small groups (Christian Life Study, The Moms’ Group, Dads’ Bible Study or Covenant Groups) Episcopal Church Women of St. Martin’s, Men of St. Martin’s, Greeters, Outreach Ministries, Ushers, etc. I Wish to Become a Member of St. Martin’sDuring today’s class, we discussed the three ways one can become a member of St. Martin’s: by transfer from another Episcopal Church; by baptism from another Christian denomination; or by baptism at St. Martin’s.Please check which applies to you: I would like to join by baptism at St. Martin’s. I will contact Cyndy Gubbs at [email protected] or 713-985-3804. to schedule my baptism by one of the priests. I have not yet been confirmed. Please let me know when the next Confirmation class is scheduled so that I may be prepared for the next Bishop’s visit. Until that time, I will be a Baptized Only Member. I would like to join as a baptized member based on my baptism and/or confirmation in another Christian denomination. I have been confirmed in another denomination and would like to be Received into the Episcopal Church during the next Bishop’s visit. I would like to transfer from another Episcopal church. Name of ChurchCity, State Δ