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  • DATE
    January 14, 2024

  • TIME
    10:15 am - 11:00 am

Theology for Life

Dave on the Life of David: Lessons of Faith from One of the Old Testament’s Most Famous Characters with Dr. David Peterson.

Among the Old Testament’s diverse cast of characters, the man named David is one of the headliners. His life with God was a roller coaster. No one is more heroic, and no one is more shattered than King David. His life is an illustration of experiencing God across life’s full gamut. In these sessions, we will consider how David experienced God in his call, in the pain of his disastrous failure and God’s discipline and their eventual reconciliation. The Bible pays David the high compliment, as “a man after God’s own heart” (1 Samuel 13:14). We will consider what that means.

Please contact Amanda DeViney at [email protected] or 713-830-4110 for more information.

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