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St. Martin's Episcopal Church

The Giving Tree Card Program

Give to Outreach and honor a loved one on a special occasion through The Giving Tree.

The Giving Tree is a branch of St. Martin’s Outreach Ministries, offering parishioners and the surrounding community the opportunity to honor a loved one on a special occasion through a heartfelt gift that empowers a worth organization while touching hearts and changing lives.

If you need assistance, email [email protected]


Ministry Value Your gift will…
The Gathering $20 Provides a day of fellowship, entertainment and fun for people with memory loss.
Kids’ Meals $25 Provides lunches for hungry Houston children.
Sole Hope $25 Provides 1 pair of shoes for a child in Uganda.
Christian Community Service Center $50 Provides nutritious groceries for the food pantry.
Church in the Field $50 Provides dinner for homeless attending worship service.
Outreach Ministries Any Any amount supports Outreach Ministries by donating a Giving Tree Card.
World Missions Any Any amount supports World Missions initiatives around the globe.