Featured image for “ECW Spring Luncheon”
St. Martin's Episcopal Church

ECW Spring Luncheon

Episcopal Church Women of St. Martin’s presents “Finding Faith Through Loss” featuring Kreis Beall

Kreis Beall is the co-founder of Blackberry Farm, an award-winning resort in East Tennessee and a premier event destination in the country. For decades, Beall worked in the travel and entertainment world and frequently appeared on the pages of popular home and design magazines. At the pinnacle of her success, Beall faced devastating challenges that reframed her life and required her to begin a new journey to find her faith and God. Her book, “The Great Blue Hills of God,” examines what it took to redefine her life after deep loss and acknowledges often unbearable truths that existed beneath the beauty she created.

This event has sold out! To be put on the waitlist, contact Valerie Rivera at [email protected].