Let Our Music Inspire You
Music is a vital ministry at St. Martin’s. Our music series provides something for everyone and includes choral groups, instrumental groups and solo musicians from around the world.
Learn more about our Music Ministry and The Music Center.

Parish Choir
Led by Keith Lathrom, Choral Director of the Adult Choir, the Choir is accompanied by Dr. David Henning on the Gloria Dei Organ. A variety of classical music, renewal songs and traditional hymns give members opportunities to learn and appreciate many styles of sacred music. New members are always welcome. Try it out!
Contact Keith Lathrom at [email protected] or 713-830-4140, for more information.

Family Table Music Ministry
Music is an important part of the Family Table service. Our music is fun and participatory, covering a wide repertoire. Many of the songs are hymns that Christians have sung for centuries.
Our musicians bring decades of experience performing in a wide variety of venues and musical genres. Family Table is where every member of the family can make a joyful noise unto the Lord!
Contact Eric Priest at [email protected] or 346-335-8684, for more information.

Riverway Contemporary Music Ministry
Under the leadership of Wayne Watson, Director of Contemporary Music, the worship music played during the 11:15 a.m. Riverway Contemporary service has evolved into a unique musical expression performed by some of Houston’s finest musicians.
Music from every genre — from classic hymns to modern worship songs — is arranged especially for Riverway. Whether worshipping through singing or silence, St. Martin’s contemporary worship music allows worshipers to connect with the Lord.
Contact Wayne Watson at [email protected] or 713-985-3837, for more information.

Young Singers of St. Martin's
During the school year, the Young Singers of St. Martin’s, under the direction of Carole Nelson, provides an excellent opportunity for children to learn how to sing, read music and lead others in praising God.
Contact Carol Nelson at [email protected] or 346-335-8677, for more information.

St. Martin's Bell Choir
The Bells of St. Martin’s are Ringing!
St. Martin’s Bell Choir is welcoming new members. If you are a music lover and can read sheet music (or even if you can’t), join us in this artistic tradition grown from the great English cathedrals.
Contact Dr. David Henning at [email protected] or 713-985-3820, for more information.