All Adults
Grow in
God’s Love

Faith in Literature
St. Martin’s Faith in Literature day and evening groups explore, discuss and make relevant connections between faith and works of fiction, past and present. While operating within the framework of Christian theology, we seek to ascertain how all good literature, even if by omission, deals with and reflects themes of faith.
The Rev. Dr. Jordan Hylden
Associate for Christian Education

St. Martin’s Cooking Classes
Do you feel less-than-competent in the kitchen? Don’t worry. We are here to help you expand your menu repertoire! St. Martin’s Cooking Class series offers a fun way to sharpen your culinary skills while sharing in fellowship.
Classes are designed for cooks of all skill levels. Space is limited.
Thursday, Feb. 13
6-8 p.m.
Parish Life Center Kitchen
Chefs Graham Gemoets and Robert Iris return to St. Martin’s with a tantalizing cooking class menu to celebrate St. Valentine’s.
On the Menu:
• French Onion Soup
• Classic Italian Fettucine
• Cherries Jubilee Flambé
Class is currently full. Contact Chrissy Kana to be put on the waitlist.

Order of St. Luke (OSL)
The Order of St. Luke (OSL) meets weekly to learn and grow in the practice of prayer for healing. The group offers prayers after the Sunday services and hosts the Service of Prayer for Healing and Wholeness on the first Wednesday of the month.
The Rev. Sharron L. Cox
Associate for Spiritual Formation and Pastoral Ministries

St. Martin’s 20s & 30s
Are you looking for a community of young adults who eat, pray, and read Scripture together? St. Martin’s 20s and 30s meets every Wednesday for fellowship and study at the Church. This fall, we will study Luke’s Gospel. The group has grown tremendously and continues to welcome new friends. The group also meets throughout the city for a monthly social event on Saturdays. Everyone is welcome and no reservations are needed.
7-8:30 p.m.
Children’s Life Center, POD
For more information and to subscribe to the group’s newsletter, contact the Rev. R. Wesley Arning at [email protected] or 713-621-3040.
Donate to weekly dinners here.
The Rev. R. Wesley Arning
Associate for Riverway and Discipleship Ministries

Lydia’s Guild
Volunteers Needed to Straighten the Pews!
Volunteers are needed to help straighten and organize the pew racks in The Church and Christ Chapel.

Docent Guild
Volunteer trained docents share knowledge and love of The Church.
The Docent Guild members serve as tour hosts and provide information about The Church’s Gothic architecture, stained-glass windows, details and symbolism throughout the worship spaces. Tours are given to Parish members (groups and individuals), schools and local community organizations. The Docents also lead tours in Christ Chapel and the Campus gardens.

Saintly Stitchers Needlepoint Group
Bringing Saintly devotion through the love of needlecraft.
The men and women of Saintly Stitchers fill St. Martin’s with beautiful needlepoint pew kneelers, the prie-dieu cushion for the Patron’s Chapel and acolyte pew kneelers. Sponsor a kneeler or join the group to stitch, whether you are an expert or a novice.

St. Clare’s Needlepoint Guild
Transform your expression of God’s love, one stitch at a time.
St. Clare’s Needlepoint Guild creates beautiful needlepoint items to sell and raise funds for outreach and Church projects. The Guild welcomes stitchers of any skill level and teaches needlepoint.
Wednesdays · Noon-3 p.m.
Fourth Sunday of the month · 1-4 p.m.
Activity Center, Upper Hall East
Follow on Instagram: @st.claresneedlepoint

Greeters Guild
Welcome Parishioners and visitors on Sundays.
This friendly group of Parishioners greet worshipers before and after the 9 and 11:15 a.m. worship services. Stationed in the narthex, greeters welcome everyone and offer information about St. Martin’s.

Prayer Shawl Ministry
Knit for love, hope and healing.
Participants in this caring ministry knit and crochet God’s love, care and warmth into shawls that are blessed before they are donated to those in need. Novice and well-experienced needlework group members knit prayer shawls, baby blankets and cancer caps in all sizes and shapes.

Blanket Ladies
Make blessed blankets to bring relief for those who need comfort.
Come join this ministry. No sewing experience is needed and there are opportunities for everyone. The group makes approximately 4,000 flannel receiving blankets annually for infants in local hospitals.

The Gathering
The Gathering endeavors to use its time and gifts to serve Church members and others in our community who experience memory loss. The program provides a safe and loving environment filled with creative and stimulating activities for care partners, allowing their caregivers respite from the day-to-day care. The Gathering is a program of CarePartners and is hosted by St. Martin’s.
The Gathering meets on the fourth Monday of the month from 10:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. in Bagby Parish Hall.