

Confirmation is a significant sacramental rite in the Episcopal church. Many young people and adults find it a profound opportunity to deepen their relationship with God, affirm their identity as an Episcopalian, and recommit to participating in God’s mission.

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Adult Confirmation Class


Sundays, Sept. 8- Nov. 3.
Chapel Reception Hall

Confirmation service on Sunday, Nov. 17.

The Rev. John D. Sundara, Vicar for Worship and Evangelism, will lead this eight-week class about the Episcopal Church and what makes our Anglican heritage unique. Parishioners will study Church history and discuss “The Book of Common Prayer” and the Sacraments.

For more information about Adult Confirmation, please contact Juli Browning at [email protected] or 713-985-3845.

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Student Confirmation


Confirmation is a chance for students in eighth grade or above to confirm their faith and the promises made over them at their baptism. Throughout the process, we encourage students to ask questions and participate in discussion that helps them claim their faith as their own.

Register here: