
Serve in the Community

St. Martin's Episcopal Church

Ronald McDonald-Holcombe House Charities

Featured image for “Ronald McDonald-Holcombe House Charities”

The mission of Ronald McDonald-Holcombe House Charities Greater Houston is to provide a supportive home away from home for families of seriously ill children receiving medical care at area hospitals.

To volunteer and for more information, email [email protected].
Visit the Ronald McDonald-Holcombe House Charities website
St. Martin's Episcopal Church

Kidz Grub

Featured image for “Kidz Grub”

Kidz Grub’s objective is to provide a nutritious dinner, educational assistance, and a stable after-school environment to the at-risk children of Houston. All ages are welcome.

To volunteer and for more information, email [email protected].
Visit the Kidz Grub website
St. Martin's Episcopal Church

reVision Houston

Featured image for “reVision Houston”

reVision works to transform the lives of at-risk and gang-affected youth by connecting them to positive adult role models, building a new community around strong, affirming peer groups, and preparing the youth for promising futures through education and jobs. reVision pairs adult mentors with youth, many of whom are incarcerated at the time mentors meet them. These volunteer mentors offer friendship and encouragement to youth during a difficult period of their lives, and commit to helping them move towards a more positive future.

To volunteer and for more information, email [email protected].
Visit the reVision Houston website
St. Martin's Episcopal Church

Open Door Mission Mentoring Program

Featured image for “Open Door Mission Mentoring Program”

Open Door Mission provides shelter, food, clothing and encouragement for homeless, addicted and disabled men. The Mission is in need of mentors for the residents in the DoorWay Recovery and Educational and Job Training Programs. An invaluable part of defeating chronic homelessness is for our men to find strong Christian mentors to help them find their way. Volunteer Orientation is the second Thursday of the month at 5306 Harrisburg, 12 p.m. Join them to learn more about the program, take a tour and enjoy lunch.

To volunteer and for more information, email [email protected].
Visit the Open Door Mission Mentoring Program website
St. Martin's Episcopal Church

Mission of Yahweh

Featured image for “Mission of Yahweh”

The Mission of Yahweh is a faith-based shelter that has been empowering, enriching and restoring the lives of homeless women and children and provides outreach services to low-income communities since 1961. The Mission offers shelter and many life-changing programs focused on ending the cycle of homelessness and dependency.  They also have a Resale Shop that accepts donations and provides affordable merchandise to our surrounding low-income community.

To volunteer and for more information, email [email protected].
Visit the Mission of Yahweh website
St. Martin's Episcopal Church

Undies for Everyone

Featured image for “Undies for Everyone”

Undies for Everyone provides new underwear for over 100,000 U.S. children living in poverty or crisis. With newfound confidence and self-esteem, students are ready to learn and grow.

To volunteer and for more information, email [email protected].
Visit the Undies for Everyone website
St. Martin's Episcopal Church

Yellowstone Academy

Featured image for “Yellowstone Academy”

By providing an academically rigorous Christian education, Yellowstone Academy is answering the challenge of the education crisis that faces many economically disadvantaged students in Houston’s Third Ward. Volunteer opportunities are available for at least one hour per month to help as a lunch buddy or academic tutor, assist in the early childhood chapel or library, or provide support through Scouts.

To volunteer and for more information, email [email protected].
Visit the Yellowstone Academy website
St. Martin's Episcopal Church

WorkFaith Connection

Featured image for “WorkFaith Connection”

Volunteer with WorthFaith Connection as a spiritual and professional mentor. Mentors provide WorthFaith mentees ongoing support, wisdom and guidance. Role models offer professional insight and spiritual counsel to guide candidates in understanding the commitment needed to become stable and successful. A minimum time commitment is one year, connecting with the mentee twice a month. Interested in sharing your professional wisdom and supporting WorthFaith? Please email [email protected].

To volunteer and for more information, email [email protected].
Visit the WorkFaith Connection website
St. Martin's Episcopal Church

The Beacon

Featured image for “The Beacon”

The Beacon is a non-profit organization that serves the homeless community. Founded by Christ Church Cathedral, the Beacon provides essential and next-step services to restore hope and help end homelessness in Houston. Volunteers are needed to serve meals and assist in the laundry room.

To volunteer and for more information, email [email protected].
Visit the The Beacon website
St. Martin's Episcopal Church

The Giving Tree Card Program

Featured image for “The Giving Tree Card Program”

Give to Outreach and honor a loved one on a special occasion through The Giving Tree.

The Giving Tree is a branch of St. Martin’s Outreach Ministries, offering parishioners and the surrounding community the opportunity to honor a loved one on a special occasion through a heartfelt gift that empowers a worth organization while touching hearts and changing lives.

If you need assistance, email [email protected]


Ministry Value Your gift will…
The Gathering $20 Provides a day of fellowship, entertainment and fun for people with memory loss.
Kids’ Meals $25 Provides lunches for hungry Houston children.
Sole Hope $25 Provides 1 pair of shoes for a child in Uganda.
Christian Community Service Center $50 Provides nutritious groceries for the food pantry.
Church in the Field $50 Provides dinner for homeless attending worship service.
Outreach Ministries Any Any amount supports Outreach Ministries by donating a Giving Tree Card.
World Missions Any Any amount supports World Missions initiatives around the globe.
To volunteer and for more information, email [email protected].
Full Details
St. Martin's Episcopal Church

Lord of the Streets

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Lord of the Streets (LOTS) is a church community that welcomes, restores and rebuilds lives through relationship-focused ministries with the homeless and formerly homeless. Volunteer opportunities include Bible study and prayer team, clothing center, mail clerks and assessment.

To volunteer and for more information, email [email protected].
Visit the Lord of the Streets website
St. Martin's Episcopal Church

Kids’ Meals

Featured image for “Kids’ Meals”

Bring the whole family and prepare sandwiches with us! Kids’ Meals provides and distributes nutritious lunches to hungry children throughout Houston. Please bring a hat or head covering.

Please contact Tracee Tindol at 713-985-3811 or [email protected].

First Tuesday of the Month*
*unless proceeded by a Holiday
4 p.m. in the Parish Life Center Kitchen

Men of St. Martin’s
Fourth Tuesday of the Month*
*unless a Holiday week
5 p.m. in the Parish Life Center Kitchen

To volunteer and for more information, email [email protected].
Visit the Kids’ Meals website
St. Martin's Episcopal Church

Faith in Practice

Featured image for “Faith in Practice”

Faith in Practice seeks to improve the physical, spiritual and economic conditions of the at-risk Guatemalans by providing medical care and health-related educational programs.

To volunteer and for more information, email [email protected].
Visit the Faith in Practice website
St. Martin's Episcopal Church

DePelchin Children’s Center Angel Tree Christmas Gift Program

Featured image for “DePelchin Children’s Center Angel Tree Christmas Gift Program”

Through the annual St. Martin’s Angel Tree Project, volunteers sign up to purchase Christmas gifts for children in foster care, adoption and mental health services provided by DePelchin’s Children’s Center. St. Martin’s sponsors 250 children each year. Sign-up will be required.

To volunteer and for more information, email [email protected].
Visit the DePelchin Children’s Center Angel Tree Christmas Gift Program website
St. Martin's Episcopal Church

Houston International Seafarers Center

Featured image for “Houston International Seafarers Center”

Houston International Seafarers Center provides a “home away from home” for seafarers visiting the Port of Houston through a ministry of presence, outreach, witness, worship and service. 

To volunteer and for more information, email [email protected].
Visit the Houston International Seafarers Center website
St. Martin's Episcopal Church

Church in the Field

Featured image for “Church in the Field”

Minister to the homeless in downtown Houston. Serve a meal, be a prayer partner and provide praise music for the worship service. Volunteers must be age 18 and older.

We serve every 2nd Tuesday of the month from 6:30 – 9 p.m.

Meet in the St. Martin’s parking lot and carpool to the service.

To volunteer and for more information, email [email protected].
St. Martin's Episcopal Church

Brookwood Community

Featured image for “Brookwood Community”

Through the Grace of God, The Brookwood Community provides an educational environment that creates meaningful work, builds a sense of belonging, and awakens genuine purpose in the lives of adults with disabilities.

To volunteer and for more information, email [email protected].
Visit the Brookwood Community website
St. Martin's Episcopal Church

Christian Community Service Center

Featured image for “Christian Community Service Center”

Christian Community Service Center (CCSC) assists the poor, hungry, disabled, and otherwise needy, and provides a back-to-school and Christmas program for low-income children.  They also provide job training and school vision screening.

To volunteer and for more information, email [email protected].
Visit the Christian Community Service Center website
St. Martin's Episcopal Church

Anti-Human Trafficking

Featured image for “Anti-Human Trafficking”

St. Martin’s Outreach has expanded its efforts to build awareness and provide education and volunteer efforts to join the fight against Human Trafficking along with many Houston area non-profit organizations.

To volunteer and for more information, email [email protected].
Full Details
St. Martin's Episcopal Church

Amazing Place

Featured image for “Amazing Place”

Amazing Place provides a safe, spiritual and nurturing program for older adults with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s or similar dementia, while offering respite, education and support to their caregivers and families.

To volunteer and for more information, email [email protected].
Visit the Amazing Place website
St. Martin's Episcopal Church

Blanket Ladies

Featured image for “Blanket Ladies”
10:00 am
 - 11:30 am
Activity Center, Family Room

Make blessed blankets to bring relief for those who need comfort.

Come join this ministry. No sewing experience is needed and there are opportunities for everyone. The group makes approximately 4,000 flannel receiving blankets annually for infants in local hospitals.

To volunteer and for more information, email [email protected].
St. Martin's Episcopal Church

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Featured image for “Prayer Shawl Ministry”
9:00 am
 - 11:30 am
Activity Center, Family Room

Knit for love, hope and healing.

Participants in this caring ministry knit and crochet God’s love, care and warmth into shawls that are blessed before they are donated to those in need. Novice and well-experienced needlework group members knit prayer shawls, baby blankets and cancer caps in all sizes and shapes.

For more information, please contact Amanda DeViney at [email protected] or 713-830-4110.

To volunteer and for more information, email [email protected].