Serve Through World Missions

World Missions is serving God outside the greater Houston area.

World Missions invites you to share and grow your faith by getting involved with one or several of our ministry partners. Together we can do God's work while helping others, building relationships, sharing our faith, and growing in God's love.

World Mission Trips
World Mission Missionaries

St. Martin's Missionaries

In addition to our work with global mission organizations, St. Martin’s also financially and spiritually supports individuals called to long term service in the global mission field.

St. Martin’s began supporting Tom Gruen and his family in 2018. Tom, his wife, Kelsey, and their four children share the Gospel and minister to the underserved children of Uganda. Tom serves through EMI, Engineering Ministries International, whose mission is to develop people, design structures, and construct facilities that serve communities and the Church in East Africa.

St. Martin’s also supports a missionary team which, due to the threat of violence against Christians in the area they are serving, we cannot disclose who they are or where they serve.

Sole Hope Shoe Cutting at Home Project
Sole Hope works with children in Uganda to help combat the jigger problem. Jiggers are small chigoe fleas that live in the dust and are found in the dirt floors in schools and homes in Uganda and other similar climates. Shoe Parties are an excellent way for you to make a global impact without leaving Houston.  No special sewing or cobbler skills required.

St. Martin’s will supply the first 5 pairs of jeans to make 5 pairs of shoes.

This project is kid-friendly and great for the whole family!

Kits are available for pick up by sign-up on Mondays from Front Reception Desk and should be returned to the same location by Friday at 3 p.m.

For more information, email World Missions at [email protected].

Shoeboxes for Seafarers

Adult-sized shoeboxes are needed for the upcoming Seafarer's Christmas Box project.

If you have shoeboxes you can donate, please drop them off at the Front Reception Desk, Monday- Friday, 8 a.m.- 5 p.m.

For more information, contact World Missions at [email protected]