
Baptism Flower Dedications

Please do not use this form for Easter and Christmas flowers. Dedication submissions using this form will not appear in the Easter and Christmas worship booklets. 

Baptism Altar Flowers

Please fill out your dedication exactly as you want it to appear in the worship booklet. To ensure the dedication is listed in the worship booklet, we must have your payment and completed form by the Sunday before the baptism date. You must complete the payment portion to confirm your donation. This can be found at the bottom of the page once you submit your dedication information. Thank you.

NOTE: Prayers of the People are not said on the First Sunday in Lent due to the Great Litany, so flower dedications will not be read aloud. Please choose the Sunday before or after March 9, 2025 for your dedication.

MM slash DD slash YYYY

The following information will not appear in the worship booklet:
