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St. Martin's Episcopal Church

Episcopal Church Women (ECW)

The mission of the Episcopal Church Women (ECW) of St. Martin’s is to bring women together for fellowship, service and outreach while spreading the good news of Jesus Christ.

The ECW Board, working closely with Clergy and Staff and supported by enthusiastic volunteers, carries out this purpose by sponsoring programs that feature special guest speakers, providing children’s events at Christmas and Easter, and creating numerous opportunities for women to come together in fellowship. The ECW also plans and organizes the annual Joy of Giving Market, its major fundraising event for Outreach grants. For more information about the Joy of Giving Market, click here.

ECW provides opportunities that strengthen spiritual growth and support outreach and fellowship. Please come join us!

Your ECW Leadership 2024/2025

Shelly Newton


Whitney Gormley


Rebecca Doggett


Meredith Powers


Deborah Burge

Corresponding Secretary

Pam Adger

Recording Secretary

Kathy Bennett

Past-president and Parliamentarian