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St. Martin's Episcopal Church

Bridge Class

Would you like to learn to play bridge from the beginning? Maybe you have taken a class before and did not really understand it? This is the class for you! We start from the beginning, explaining why we take certain actions and not others, basic card play strategy, scoring and much more. The strategy of this class focuses on learning by playing and doing, keeping long lectures to an absolute minimum.

In 8 weeks, you would be ready to play and have fun. We encourage people to put their hesitations aside throughout the weekly sessions and jump right in. That is the quickest way to learn. The basic rules of bridge are not that hard to learn in the appropriate setting, becoming truly skillful takes longer. But we all start at the beginning. See you on September 11, 2023.

Mondays from 10-12 a.m. starting September 11
Course materials provided.
$125 per person
Register by e-mail: [email protected]
Tom Jahnke