The Order of St. Luke (OSL) meets weekly to learn and grow in the practice of prayer for healing. The group offers prayers after the Sunday services and hosts the Service of Prayer for Healing and Wholeness on the first Wednesday of the month.
Wednesday Healing Service
This service meets the first Wednesday of most months.
5 p.m.
Parish Life Center or via Zoom
St. Martin’s OSL Healing Prayer Community invites you to join its service for healing and wholeness. This short service is held for anyone in need of prayer for themselves, friends or family.
OSL Healing Prayer Ministry Study Group
Wednesdays, September through June
(except first Wednesday of each month)
4:30-6 p.m.
Children’s Life Center or via Zoom
All are welcome to join these weekly meetings of study, prayer, and fellowship.
St. Martin’s chapter of the International OSL Healing Community is an ecumenical Christian healing ministry and fellowship of men and women who believe healing is an essential part of the teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ. The work of the order is carried out through teaching and prayer. Members are committed to intercessory prayer – that is, praying for others. They serve on prayer teams, sponsor healing services, and lead workshops and missions.
OSL grew from the Fellowship of Saint Luke, begun in 1932 by the Rev. John G. Banks, an Episcopal priest, and his wife, Ethel Tulloch Banks. Today there are inter-denominational healing communities all over North America and in many countries around the world.
St. Martin’s OSL Healing Community is part of this international organization that is dedicated to the Christian healing ministry. Guests are welcome to attend for prayer and study, or if they are simply interested in knowing more about OSL and its mission. Click here for more information.
Becoming a Member
To become a member of OSL, it is required that you register with osltoday.org to become a Discerning Member for a period of about a year to fulfill the requirements for full membership.