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St. Martin's Episcopal Church

St. Martin’s Day Celebration

St. Martin’s Day Guest Preacher
The Rev. Colin Ambrose
Sunday, Nov. 12 • 8, 9 and 11:15 a.m.
The Church
The Rev. Colin Ambrose serves as the Vice Rector and Chief of Staff at St. George’s Episcopal Church in Nashville, Tenn. In addition to teaching in the pulpit and classroom, the Rev. Ambrose has a passion for building Christian communities — communities of belonging that restore our relationships to God and one another in Christ. Before discerning a call to ordained ministry, he worked in investment banking and business. The Rev. Ambrose is grateful to play a small part in God’s reconciling ministry to the world. He is married to Trisha, and they have three teenage children.

Parish Family Picture
Sunday, Nov. 12 • 10:15 a.m.
The Church Plaza
All Parishioners and Friends from all services are invited to take part in this time-honored annual event. Past Parish Family photos are on display in the Activity Center, Family Room.

St. Martin’s First Annual Cookie Contest!
Sunday, Nov. 12 • 10:30 a.m.
Bagby Parish Hall
Chairs: The Leonard Family and The Walters Family
Showcase your favorite homemade cookies during our St. Martin’s Day celebration! Cookies must be homemade and the recipe included with each entry. One cookie will win the “Best Tasting Cookie” and be served as the signature dessert at various events. Samples of each entry will be available alongside the featured cookie. Interested bakers can visit bit.ly/smeccookies for more details.

Martin was born in modern-day Hungary in 316 and grew up in Pavia, Italy, where his father was a tribune for the Roman army. He converted to Christianity before following in his father’s footsteps, joining the army. When his faith conflicted with serving as a soldier, he resigned his post but was imprisoned as a traitor and later released. He then followed a simple life as a monk and helped found the first monastery in Gaul in about 360. Martin traveled by donkey and boat to spread the news of Jesus Christ and was sought out for his healing prayers for the sick. He was appointed Bishop of Tours in 371 by the will of the people and is recognized as one of the greatest evangelists of the Church. He died in November 397.

In the Middle Ages, more churches chose Martin as their patron saint (naming their parishes for him) than any other saint. Nov. 11, the day St. Martin was believed to have been buried, has been celebrated as St. Martin’s Day for more than 1,600 years.